BC Distillery Company

** all newspaper clippings are from newspapers.com . If you are doing serious historical research, I recommend paying for a subscription. It is absolutely invaluable. The British Columbia Distillery Company of New Westminster, BC, was founded in 1903 before June 9 as the Vancouver Semi-Weekly World announced that day (p.5): It was touted as British Columbia's first distillery ( Chilliwack Progress December 17, 1952 p.10), undoubtedly, there had been stills in the province for decades, but this was the first official one. By 1910 BCDC was well established in Sappertown, and supplied products throughout BC, the Yukon, Western Canada, and the U.S., as well as "... the remotest ends of the earth and especially into every part of civilization where rye whiskey is appreciated." (B. C. Saturday Sunset, New Westminster, July 10, 1910:54). During World War I, the British Columbia Distillery apparently sent whisky to Scotland and France (or at least they were looking into it): On ...